GAP Dance Performance

Dance Performance Music and Film


GAP is a multidisciplinary show that explores the concepts of detachment and connection. Contemporary dance, music, and cinematic projections interact throughout the piece for an immersive experience. A project created and led by Yassine Abouhamid, in collaboration with Éléa Sajous.

GAP is a multidisciplinary artistic project that explores the feeling of detachment and depersonalization that everyone can experience at different levels. Feeling absent from the present moment, distant from a parent, or disconnected from one’s own culture can be examples of this “gap” that we explore. Through contemporary dance, music, and cinema, we delve into our personal experiences related to this feeling, in order to create harmonious connections and understand our dissonances.

Réalisation des projections cinématographiques : Yassine Abouhamid

Chorégraphie : Éléa Sajous et Yassine Abouhamid

Interprétation (danse) : Éléa Sajous

Création musicale et performance live : Zakaria Bouras

Univers sonore : Omar Chakor

This project is supported by IF Senegal Villa Saint Louis Ndar, Taklif, Conservatoire Tangier, Cie Jil Z, Cie Quai6

‘ That's why we, seize the moment try to freeze it and own it
Squeeze it and hold it, because we consider these minutes golden.’